I don't reckon it looks all that bad. It's not perfect, of course, but, as superhero movie costumes go, it's by no means the worst I've ever seen.
Batman and Robin still got that one nailed. Seriously, moulded rubber abs would've killed this for me, but I kinda get this costume, and it makes sense ( in a comic book kinda way of making sense, of course ), especially if you look closely enough at the other Corp costumes. Yeah, I'd've liked the whole white gloves and boots thing, but, honestly, that would've looked camp as a row of pink chiffon teepes in a live action movie, let's face it.
And, you know, I
really like the Wondercon trailer that just came out. I'm holding out that this might
just be pretty good, after all. Mark Strong looks great as Sinestro, Geoffrey Rush is doing the voice of Tomar-Re, and Michael Clarke Duncan's doing Kilowog. Come on, that's gotta be cool.
" Poozers! " Yeah, I can take or leave the bird they brought in to play Carol Ferris, but, then, I can take or leave the birds in most superhero movies.
Fingers cross. 'ey?
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