Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Stressed again, Alexa? Presenter looks thinner than ever

By Lauren Paxman

Alexa Chung has always been very much on the slender side.

But in recent photos, the model-turned-TV presenter appears to have slimmed down even more.

Sporting trademark skinny jeans, the 28-year-old couldn't help but show her thin frame on a day out recently.

Especially thin: Alexa Chung has always been honest about struggling with her weight when she is stressed - but recently she has seemed thinner than ever

Alexa has in the past been honest about how she struggles to stick to a healthy diet, and admitted to losing weight when she is stressed.

In a newspaper column in The Independent, Alexa wrote in 2008: 'My weight is dwindling as I don’t have time to go to the supermarket.

'I speak to my mum most days and she always asks what I’ve had to eat. She gets very upset when I say: "Uh, I forgot".'

She added: 'I’m thinner now than I’ve ever been because I’m working so hard.'

In 2009, when her weight plummeted further, Alexa admitted to struggling to keep the weight on when she is under stress.

Her U.S. MTV show had just been cancelled and Alexa revealed: 'I'm naturally thin - I get thinner when I'm stressed.

'And you can't imagine how stressed I was.'

Now she is even thinner than she was two years ago.
But Alexa has had a lot on her plate.

She split from her long term boyfriend, Arctic Monkeys' singer, Alex Turner, in July.

She has since been linked to Theo Hutchcraft, the singer of Hurts, but the stresses associated with a break-up could still be affecting her.

For the first time in years, Alexa also seems to not have any new high-profile work lined up.

Perhaps she is taking a well-earned break.

Being as thin as the presenter is could have long-term negative effects on her health including arthritis, heart disease and lung disease.

Despite her dwindling frame, the presenter still has many admirers.
At the British Fashion Awards last month, Alexa won the British Style Award.

The prize was voted for by the public who are clearly a fan of her quirky style.


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